AI-driven investing

Are you ready for AI?

Imagine having a smart assistant that can help you create and manage your investment portfolio, based on the latest data and trends in the financial markets. With all the recent developments in AI this should be possible, right?

But where to start? Can you trust an AI machine to make sound investment decisions? And how can you train the machine to achieve your specific investment goals and preferences?

Cloud-based platform

Transform your investment process with AI

QAI is a cloud-based platform that helps financial asset managers to build and manage their own AI-driven investment portfolios. QAI is not just another tool that gives you generic recommendations or signals; it comes up with a detailed investment portfolio, supported by intuitive reports that help you understand the results.  

QAI streamlines the investment process for financial asset managers who want to leverage AI for their investment portfolios. You can save time, reduce costs, and improve returns. You can also gain insights, confidence, and control over your investment decisions.

Your smart Assistant